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Face Masks at work – make sure they’re dispensed with advice

Governments are altering advice on provision or wearing of face masks in public, but it seems likely that advice may be to wear masks, particularly in enclosed settings with other people. As well as dispensing masks, employers might want to consider how to dispense advice on best technique in putting on and taking off masks. Here are tips we’ve compiled from WHO, ECDC and CDC sources - and links below to two good articles reviewing how to and when to ... Read More Face Masks at work – make sure they’re dispensed with advice

The Next Normal – The new workplace experience

We’ve been reading and thinking about the workplace experience as we knew it and how it may change. The ‘New Normal’ is a phrase often bandied about in these contexts, where we’re about o experience a paradigm shift in behavioural norms. We prefer the term ‘the next normal’, as certainly, things and experience will shift dramatically, and for an extended period of time. But this isn’t the first time for this kind of change. Consider the experience in international travel. ... Read More The Next Normal – The new workplace experience

2468 wins Gold at Deloitte Best Managed 2020 – we’re pretty proud, and here’s why

2648 has been awarded a Deloitte Best Managed for four years in a row – and now we have achieved Gold Winner status. As a Best Managed, we are part of a group of 130 successful Irish companies, with a combined turnover of €11.4bn, and 42,000 employees. These companies were described as ‘the engine room of the economy’ by Deloitte partner, Anya Cummins. But the Best Managed accolade isn’t just about economic impact and success. It means we’ve succeeded in ... Read More 2468 wins Gold at Deloitte Best Managed 2020 – we’re pretty proud, and here’s why

5 Top Workplace Trends for 2020

It’s the time of year again where we like to look at trends emerging for the year to come. Here’s our review for 2020. Probably the biggest trend for us is the growing importance for HR and business leaders of the workplace experience itself as part of the overall employee experience. This puts Facility and HR teams in a shared position of making that workplace work as well as it can to engage employees & boost productivity. [These are just ... Read More 5 Top Workplace Trends for 2020

5 Takeaways from Pendulum Summit 2020

One of the leading ‘business and self empowerment’ summits in the world, Pendulum Dublin’s fourth annual event took place last week and the 2468 Team were there for each of the two days. Here are our key takeaways – with a workplace and employee experience slant. 1. RESILIENCE IN FAILURE Bear Grylls opened Day Two and shared his now trademark message about survival – and success, in the wild but translatable to business. His four pillars for success included failure ... Read More 5 Takeaways from Pendulum Summit 2020

Wellbeing during change

How investment in wellbeing unlocks issues during time of organisational change. Change is the world of work is constant but accelerating. Some say it’s transformational. Organisations are changing, markets are changing, and the nature of work is changing. Fewer than 12% of the Forbes Fortune 500 companies included in 1955 were still on the list 62 years later in 2017. That’s almost 9 out of every 10 who have disappeared, merged or contracted to drop out of the top 500. ... Read More Wellbeing during change

The War for Talent – how workplace services provide an edge

As workplace service providers we have been innately aware of the impact the services we provide have on our service users – who are most frequently employees. We’ve built our service around providing a personal, quality and human-focussed approach in what we do, because we recognise that in so many small but essential ways the quality of the coffee, the appearance of the refreshment station, the range of snacks, the freshness of the water and the cleanliness of a washroom ... Read More The War for Talent – how workplace services provide an edge

Summer Days Out 2019

2468’s Summer Days Out celebration saw our team enjoying a wide range of days out - all around the theme of ‘Livin’ Easy’. Now in its second year, Summer Days Out means that our staff who are spread across five bases in UK and Ireland can enjoy a day out, over the first weekend in August - on 2468. We set our theme around the great ‘Summertime’ theme song, and the team took the inspiration. From surfing to cycling, high ... Read More Summer Days Out 2019

2468 – Safe Contractor Approved 2019-2020

Following audit and review, 2468 has retained our Safe Contractor status in the UK for the year 2019 - 2020. SafeContractor is a leading Accreditation Scheme for organisations and contractors who need the  independent assurance of full health and safety compliance of anyone providing services on any of their sites. A growing number of 2468 customers use this efficient and independent system of health and safety compliance. Along with our ISO accreditations, the Safe Contractor status allows us to demonstrate ... Read More 2468 – Safe Contractor Approved 2019-2020